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Installation Guides

Getting started

AURUM Navigation is an app available for SharePoint Online. If you need AURUM Navigation for another platform, feel free to contact us.

After purchasing AURUM Navigation, we send you an email with the SharePoint app package. Please contact us if you didn’t receive an email.

Permission requirements

The installation guide requires at least permissions for the tenant’s app catalog. Full permissions are recommended.

  • The WebPart doesn’t need any permissions itself.
  • The data managed by the WebPart is stored within the WebParts Properties.
  • There are no additional lists, services or api permissions required.

Step 1: Navigate to SharePoint app catalog

By uploading the app package, the app gets installed in your SharePoint app catalog.

  • Go to the Microsoft Admin Center
  • Click on Show all at the left navigation and select SharePoint
  • Click on More features at the left navigation and select Apps

Now you should see your SharePoint app catalog.

Step 2: Upload the app

  • Click on Upload
  • Select the app package (aurum-navigation.sppkg)
  • Wait for upload to be finished

A drawer should appear giving you 2 options for “app availability”:

  • Only enable this app: proceed with Step 3
  • Enable this app and add it to all sites: skip Step 3

Step 3: Install the app at a site collection

Your app is now installable from your SharePoint app catalog. You have to install the app in every site collection you want to use it in.

  • Navigate to the site collection you want the app be installed to
  • Navigate to Site Contents
  • Click the New button and select App
  • Pick AURUM Navigation and click Add

You are now able to use AURUM Navigation as a SharePoint WebPart.


Congratulations! The installation is finished and you can start using AURUM Navigation.

Don’t forget to inform your users if they need to add the app to their site collection or if they can use it right away.

Next steps

Your users can now use the WebPart. There is no additional setup required.